Window Class
The window class creates a window and loads content into it. It also handles communication between the window and the application together with RpcHub.
Multi Window Support
This already works, but the build system needs adjustment to make it easier to build additional index.html files for the additional windows.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd1{};
std::unique_ptr<Nui::Window> wnd2{};
wnd.bind("myFunction", [&wnd2, &wnd1](nlohmann::json const&) {
// required on windows to spawn the second window not from within this thread:
wnd2 = std::make_unique<Nui::Window>();
wnd2->setSize(800, 600);
wnd2->setHtml("<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>");
Window::Window(WindowOptions const& options)
Creates a window with the given options.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{{
.title = "My Window",
.debug = true, // May the user open the dev tools?
Window::setTitle(std::string const& title)
Sets the title of the window.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};
wnd.setTitle("My New Title");
Window::setSize(int width, int height, WebViewHint hint = WebViewHint::WEBVIEW_HINT_NONE)
Sets the size of the window.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};
wnd.setSize(800, 600);
Window::setPosition(int x, int y, bool useFrameOrigin = true)
Sets the position of the window. useFrameOrigin on macos uses "setFrameOrigin" instead of "setFrameTopLeftPoint", which is consistent with linux and windows.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};
wnd.setPosition(100, 100);
Centers the window on the primary display.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};
Window::navigate(std::string const& url)
Navigates the window to the given url.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};
Window::navigate(std::filesystem::path const& file)
Opens a file from disk.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};
Closes the window.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};;
// Somewhere else in the code
Window::bind(std::string const& name, std::function<void(nlohmann::json const&)> const& callback)
Bind a function into the web context. These will be available under globalThis.nui_rpc.backend.NAME Prefer to use the RpcHub instead.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};
wnd.bind("myFunction", [](nlohmann::json const& args) {
std::cout << "myFunction called with args: " << args.dump() << std::endl;
Window::unbind(std::string const& name)
Unbinds a function from the web context.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};
// previously wnd.bind("myFunction", ...);
Returns the executor of the window.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/post.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};
auto executor = wnd.getExecutor();
boost::asio::post(executor, [] {
std::cout << "Hello from the executor!" << std::endl;
Runs / Shows the window.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};;
Window::setHtml(std::string_view html, bool fromFilesystem = false)
Sets the html of the window. When "fromFilesystem" is true, the file is dumped to a temporary file and loaded from there.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};
wnd.setHtml("<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>");
Window::eval(std::string const& code)
Evaluates the given code in the web context.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};
// setHtml, run etc...
wnd.eval("console.log('Hello from the web context!')");
Window::eval(std::filesystem::path const& file)
Evaluates the given file in the web context.
#include <nui/backend/window.hpp>
int main()
Nui::Window wnd{};
// setHtml, run etc...
Window::init(std::string const& code)
Places javascript in the window.
Window::init(std::filesystem::path const& file)
Places javascript in the window from a file.
void* Window::getNativeWindow()
Returns a pointer to the native window.
on windows.
on linux.
on macos.
void* Window::getNativeWebView()
Returns a pointer to the native webview.
cast to ICoreWebView2*
on windows.
cast using WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(getNativeWebView())
on linux.
And its an id
on macos.
Window::setConsoleOutput(bool enabled)
Enables or disables console output from the webview on linux systems.